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Apr 2024
Further details about plans to convert a Harrogate house into a children’s home have been revealed.
It comes after Jolyon McKay tabled a change of use application to North Yorkshire Council last month.
It outlined plans to turn Oak Back, a house on Ashgarth Court near Ashville College, into C2 classified housing – which refers to residential accommodation for people in need of care.
The Stray Ferret reported on the plans at the time of submission, which generated some concern among social media followers.
However, an email from the applicant to the case officer was yesterday posted to the planning portal, which paints a clearer picture of what the children’s home would involve if approved.
The applicant said he wanted the home to be a “nurturing environment” for children aged 11 to 18.
The letter added the staff already involved have a “wealth of expertise to ensure the highest standard of care”, adding:
The applicant says the overarching goal was to create a “family-style placement home that fosters a sense of belonging and security for the children” by “steering away” from a clinical environment.
Mr McKay said the home’s commitment to safety and supervision was “unwavering”. There would always be a minimum of one staff member present to ensure the wellbeing of the children and maintain a “peaceful environment that respects the neighbourhood”, he added.
In a separate covering letter submitted with the proposal, the applicant said the home would “remain looking and feeling as if it were an average home”.
North Yorkshire Council will make a decision on the application at a later date.